Contact Us
If you would like to find more about our benefits please contact our team on 0844 310 5657. Our line is open Mon-Fri 9am - 6pm.
Out of office hours please complete the form below so we could ring you back.
To report an Equipment problem:
Having problem with your Sky Digital Box? Or Freesat/Freeview? Or poor reception problems?
Firstly please go through our Technical Support page as you may be able to fix your issue by following some simple steps.
If you have not fixed an issue yourself give us a call on 0844 310 5657 to speak to our memberer support team. Alternatively submit your request via the form below. One of our team will get in touch with you by priority.
If you are thinking of leaving our club please follow this link.
Head Office:
vCare Saver Club Limited
Chandos Business Centre
87 Warwick Street
Royal Leamington Spa
CV32 4RJ
Telephone: 0844 310 5657
For Complaints
We aim to provide a friendly and efficient service and always go out of our way to make sure our customers get the service they need. If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with the service you receive please email us.