sky box problems Sky repair Sky remote not working

Digital Box Problems?

What would you do if your Sky remote is not working or you experience problems with your Sky box, or Freesat suddenly stopped working? Or if you have poor reception? Look in the Yellow pages or on-line and find an engineer and pay for potential expensive call outs and box replacement?

vCare is proud to offer to its members a discretionary benefit of worry-free DVE (Digital Viewing Equipment) repair and maintenance, all for free from people you know and trust. vCare Saver Club can provide your DVE (which includes Sky/Freesat boxes and Satellite dishes, or Freeview boxes) with first class, worry-free repair service and get you back up and running in no time - see our Terms and Conditions.

Saving money for your home and lifestyle is the focus of our club and your digital entertainment is usually at the heart of this. Your service provider may cover your equipment for an initial 12 months under a manufacturer warranty but after that you are on your own. However, with vCare this discretionary benefit is all part of your membership and there is no need to pay extra, saving you tens of pounds and more if there is a problem.

Our discretionary benefit

Sky Repair sky repair satellite repair
How To Save Money

A leading UK price comparison website said in 2011 that they saved £123.93 per customer. vCare+ can save you over 7 times this amount per year!

Contact Information
Chandos Business Centre
87 Warwick Street
Royal Leamington Spa
CV32 4RJ
Phone: 0844 310 5657